Leveraged Burnout: Welcome

After years of staring into the anachronous (yet oddly satisfying) abyss that is a Bloomberg terminal, “v-ing up the model” and sifting through more management presentations than Intralinks, I’ve decided my brain can use a good ol’ fashioned creative reboot. Enter: Leveraged Burnout; my own satirical takes on an industry that, while I hold it dearly to my heart, has almost completed its transformation into a parody of itself – financial services.

Truth is, I wouldn’t have to do this if Dealbreaker would get their heads out of their asses and put out some quality content. That said, as noted extortion victim and all around good guy Rick Pitino once said: “Bess Levin and Matt Levine are not walkin’ through that door.” So we’ll do it. Together. While covering topics that truly matter, like if 2018 is finally the year that Deutsche Bank or Bill Ackman remember how to turn a profit.

I’m not sure how this whole thing will play out (nor will I care until it generates some ad rev), but we’ll see what happens. Maybe it grows and some more writers come aboard, maybe I’m not actually funny or knowledgeable enough to keep an audience. All I know is, I’m excited.

P.S. – speaking of Deutsche Bank, it looks like one of the longest running memes on the internet found out it was long some Tesla paper.

’til next time.